The Intelligent Islamic Articles


Dawah Association in Rawdah

Project Type

Question Answering Bots

Project Overview

IslamicArticlesMind is a QA bot powered by a large language model (LLM) that answers visitors' questions in natural language based on articles from the Islam Religion website ( It utilizes Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques to extract the most relevant articles and paragraphs related to the visitor's query, which are then processed by the LLM to generate the most appropriate information, summarize it, and answer the visitor's question.

Project Impact

  • Serves more than 1300 users monthly.
  • Answers over 3000 questions monthly.
  • Increases search speed and information retrieval efficiency by 98%, providing answers within 3 seconds.
  • Improves response accuracy by 90%.
  • Ensures comprehensive coverage of website topics by 100%.
  • Enhances visitor satisfaction by 80%.
The Intelligent Islamic Articles

High-Precision Information Retrieval

IslamicArticlesMind excels at using similarity algorithms to extract the most relevant articles to visitors' questions. It is highly effective in quickly identifying relevant information, helping visitors obtain the answers they need efficiently.

The Intelligent Islamic Articles

Effective Answer Summarization and Presentation

The retrieved sources are passed to the LLM, which extracts the most suitable paragraphs and summarizes them to provide a comprehensive answer to the visitor's query. This approach ensures the delivery of specific and relevant information, enhancing the user experience and increasing the value of the provided content.

Our aim is to be a leading model in utilizing modern technologies to serve Islamic knowledge and contribute to building a more aware and informed community about true Islamic and human values. We are driven by a deep passion to offer distinguished services to the Islamic community, grounded in our desire to spread authentic and reliable Islamic knowledge in an accessible and simplified manner. Our vision is to enhance everyone’s experience by providing accurate, well-sourced answers to their questions, contributing to spreading a balanced and correct understanding of Islam.

The Intelligent Islamic Articles

Accurate, Reliable, and Well-Sourced Information

When answering a visitor's question, IslamicArticlesMind provides the sources from which the answer was derived to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information, allowing visitors to explore the topic further if desired.

The Intelligent Islamic Articles

Focused Islamic Scope

IslamicArticlesMind is designed to handle questions that fall within the Islamic scope, ensuring its credibility by staying within the intended domain. If no answer is found within the available sources, the visitor is informed and directed to contact an Islamic advisor for further assistance.